Once we recognize what is negatively impacting our lives and what we would like to change, it can be hard to make changes, stick to them, and make the change permanent. There is a science to swapping mindsets and implementing good habits—it’s a total reset in life, and that’s something to look forward to. The resources listed below were created to help you form and a better life and understand what that means.
How to Get 1% Better Everyday
Atomic Habits by James Clear
How to Start Over Podcast
“In this series, Atlantic staff writer Olga Khazan analyzes what it takes to change our relationships, our work, and our perspective—with a practical approach to one of life’s greatest mysteries: how to start over. Change can be really hard. Inertia is powerful, mortgages and marriages are long-term, and personality traits can feel pretty hardwired. But we’re in an era characterized by change. This series is your guide to starting over in the ways you’ve always wanted, why change is so hard, and whether it is, sometimes, overrated.”