While the holiday season can be full of anticipation and joy, it can be a difficult season for those who are isolated, lonely, grieving, and recovering. During these times, embracing the opportunity for growth and community can seem daunting and discouraging. However, the end of the year and coming celebrations can be motivation to become a more mindful, healthy, and whole individual, with understanding that you have a community here to support you. Finding healing is the best gift you can give yourself and your loved ones.
How to deal with the holiday blues
“The holidays are hard for some of us. Because the season focuses on togetherness and joy, it can resurface and exacerbate uncomfortable feelings that we’ve been managing or struggling with during the year. Festivities often serve to magnify our stress, emotions, and difficulties. It’s why the holiday blues can be so challenging. . .
Whatever the reason, the holiday blues can feel painfully real to a lot of people. While the commercial culture that surrounds us may make it seem unusual to feel less than merry, it doesn’t reflect how a majority of people actually experience the season. According to
a 2015 survey, 64% of people say they are affected by the holiday blues, with 24% saying they are highly affected.”
Consider Before Consuming Podcast by Fight the New Drug
“Think about all of the things you consider every day to help keep yourself, your loved ones, and your community happy, healthy, and hopeful. . . Join us every other week as we consider the harmful effects of pornography using science, facts, and personal accounts. But, we’re not just inviting you to consider the potential negative consequences of pornography but also the benefits to a life free of porn and its influence.”
Expanding Your Holiday Hub by Dr. Dan Siegel
“This time of year, between Thanksgiving and the winter holidays can be filled with a wide range of feelings, from joy and gratitude to longing and loneliness. Many articles and blogs that come out around this time often address the challenges of family reunions, citing the many ways coming back together with family for the holidays can create intense and sometimes surprisingly negative emotional reactions. Here I’d like to offer a slightly different take on this theme of wintertime events.”
Expanding Your Holiday HUB