Research shows there is a high rate of ADHD (andr ADD) diagnoses among individuals with compulsive sexual behavior. This is associated with sensation seeking and attachment difficulties. Distraction, self-comfort, and a need to stabilize mood and emotion are hallmarks of the relationship between ADHD and compulsive sexual expression.
Of note: Individuals with self-reported ADHD had higher scores of avoidant attachment compared with individuals without ADHD. Males with ADHD and anxious attachment show an extensive use of pornography online. Males with ADHD who have difficulties in close relationships with others may use online pornography excessively. This contributes to difficulty forming secure attachment at adult life.
An ADHD diagnosis may point to an association between compulsive sexual behavior disorder, sensation seeking and attachment difficulties. As a subtype of compulsive sexuality disorder, problematic pornography use signals a need for help.
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