Sex is a powerful human drive.
When kids hit puberty, they enter a whole new world of sexual energy. Part of the drama of growing up through the teenage years is learning how to manage this new power that is alive in them.
The new generation faces new challenges that previous generations did not have to contend with. What do you do with pornography.
In the old days pornography was hard to come by for most people. Today it is just a smart phone away. And now, it seems, not only are teenagers viewing porn, with the advent of “sexting” they are creators of pornography as well.
Like many other powerful human experiences, sex has the potential of being addictive. Teenagers commonly use pornography to release stress, overcome frustration, and avoid relationship challenges. When pornography is mixed with stimulates like Methamphetaminnes, Cocaine, or a even a prescription drug like Adderal, it becomes an even more dangerous trap.
How do you know your teen is using internet porn? Here is what you can look for:
- Secrecy. Does your teenager hide his/her behavior from you and protest when you ask that all internet activity take place in public, supervised space?
- Browser history. Review your browser history. It should reflect common usage. If the history does not track with your teens use, be aware.
- Smart Phone apps. Know the apps that are on your teen’ smart phone. Look for instant messaging apps that allow your teen to text without creating a paper trail on your phone bill.
A parent talking with their teen about human sexuality has never been easy. In a world of easy accessibility to pornography, it has never been more important.
Image by Frédéric Glorieux